Email is very important to keeping a company running and connected. Having a reliable email system is key. The below guest post explains a bit about what a business needs.
There are a variety of business concerns regarding company email. The three most important things to consider are security, archiving, and continuity, but how best to achieve these goals? By implementing a unified email management (UEM) system, it’s possible for you to attain all three. UEM systems utilise cloud storage in order to allow you to self-contain your company’s email and keep it secure while still making it accessible from your mobile and at home.
How does a UEM System Work?
Rather than storing your company email on your business servers, with a UEM system, your email is stored on a data cloud (see: Cloud storage is incredibly important for businesses, whether you’re considering an email management system or project data. Accessing a cloud computing platform is much easier than using a VPN and it gives other bonuses as well: probably the most important is that, even when your servers are offline or down, you still have access to the data.
How Will a UEM System Help Keep Me Secure?
Because company email can be privy to so much sensitive data, it’s important to know when emails are being sent, and where. Choosing a UEM system will allow a business to identify leaks, if they occur, and better understand whether they were intentional or accidental.
Even more important, though, is knowing that you can safely access this information when not on your company servers. By choosing a third party solution, accessing business emails on your mobile or home computer is safer than ever. You can also choose whether or not your employees have outside access to the cloud.
Why is Archiving so Important?
Security is obviously a main concern for a company, but keeping a dedicated archive of all company emails should be just as big a priority. Not only does archiving help with security — identifying leaks, for example — but it gives you a record of transactions. That’s what email is, essentially — a transaction. By having a method of archiving your emails, you’ll know what you’ve told your employees and when, as well as know what information they’ve shared with each other.
Archiving emails means that businesses can better stay on task, keep to deadlines, and even have legal protection. The key is to identify a UEM solution that enables you to access your archive across multiple devices.
How does Continuity Help Me?
With an email management system, one of the most obvious advantages is the continuity it gives you during unplanned outages. When your email servers or network infrastructure are unavailable, users need to be able to keep sending and receiving email from their familiar Outlook mailbox or smartphone.
In the modern world, it’s incredibly important to be able to maintain continuity otherwise the cost to businesses can be significant.
There are a variety of unified email management systems like Mimecast’s that you can choose from. When deciding, make a list of what’s most important for your business, and see which UEM system gives you the benefits your company is looking for.
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Nathan Morgan has been a technology professional for 16 years and has diverse hands-on experience starting off with a couple of years of mobile phone SMT repair. That was followed by three years as a freelance Visual Basic developer and then a decade dedicated to Linux server security, ecommerce site management and coding in a variety of languages including PHP, SQL and Java.
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