A lot of us currently use Skype for business or day to day communications with our friends and colleagues. We may schedule meetings to collaborate on on project. Heck, I have even participated in and heard of others participating in Skype interviews to land TV appearances.
But how often do you use Skype to keep in touch with your loved ones? Probably not often enough. Families are not always lucky enough to be in the same place. Kids grow up and go to college, and extended family is spread all over the world. However, technology can help us feel like we are only as far away as the next room.
The below video tells the story of Denis. He moved to the United States to attend college and make a better life for himself. The rest of his family, including his young son, are still in Uganda. Denis keeps in touch with his family using his laptop. He doesn’t have to miss out on all of the smiles and stories. He can still share in special moments, and let them see his emotion.
I found that video very touching. I love that Denis can keep in touch with his family even though he is thousands of miles and a whole world away. We hear stories all the time about people like Denis coming to the US to better their lives. It has to be very hard to make a decision to leave your family behind like that. Hopefully they will be back together very, very soon.
Here in my home, my kids use Skype to talk to friends, family, and even their teachers. Very recently my girl’s favorite teacher spent 2 weeks in Florida helping her sister recover from surgery soon after having surgery herself. She had just donated a kidney to her nephew. We used the Logitech TV Cam HD in our family room to see her and meet her family as she carried her iPad around to introduce everyone. They thought that it was so sweet that her students wanted to check in on her and make sure that everything was ok.
I also travel quite a bit, so I make sure to check in with the kids from time to time to let them know that Mommy is thinking about them. 🙂 Since Skype works across several devices for video conferencing, instant messaging, and even calls,  I installed it on my girl’s smartphones and an old household tablet so that they can reach out to me. They love it, and I love seeing their smiling faces.
How do you keep in touch with family who are far away?
Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Skype via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Skype.
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