We all know what a man cave is. And while man caves have been around for a long, long time talk of She Sheds is relativity new. Why? I am not sure. Women like to relax and let loose too! However, women tend to be the main caregiver, planner, and decorator in most homes so every room probably has a woman’s touch.
What is a She Shed?
What does a mom do when she truly wants to relax? Chances are if hangs out in the family room the kids will be all over her. If she tries to watch her favorite show in bed, they may just climb in too… unless of course they are asleep. And let’s not forget about the fact that kids have a way of dropping their toys and games all over the house. Mom needs a room to call her own. A room where toys are not allowed. She needs a She Shed!
My Current Space
Right now I guess I consider my office my she shed. It is where I hangout when working. I’ll call it a Working She Shed. I usually watch online TV while working, and it is definitely full of all of my gadgets. However, it the smallest bedroom in the house. When building I sacrificed space to use it in other areas of the home. At only 10 x 11 I don’t have room to do much in my current office. And it is anything but pretty at this time (thus no photos. LOL!) However, even I’m surprised at just how much I was able to fit into this room. And It is constantly changing. Because of this blog tech is constantly being switched out, added, and moved around. But there is not much room for relaxing. And one thing remains… I have to be able to work in here.
My Future She Shed
I want more. I’m looking towards the future. In my old house my office was fairly large. I think the room was 15 x 16. I had plenty of space. But I didn’t need it then like I need it now. I need room to spread out and room to relax. I need room to add a lounging area. While some she sheds are actually sheds or converted garages my she shed will likely be a room in my home. There is a chance that we may be looking for a new house in the next couple of years. And it needs to have space for Hubby’s man cave, and plenty of space for my office/she shed. I’m hoping that I can get a room at least 13 x 14. This gives me plenty of space to plan a separate work and lounge area. I want a couch or maybe a chaise lounge, some chairs for company, a table, and a television. And of course there will be no shortage of tech.
Tech From Best Buy
There are soooo many things at Best Buy that I could see in my new she shed. From huge televisions to rocking stereo systems, the possibilities are endless. And it’s not always necessary to rip holes in walls or rewire your whole space to get some awesome tech. There are many options available that you can incorporate into your she shed without much hassle. Below are a couple of my favorites.
Extending Your WiFi
Depending on where your she shed is located you may need to make sure that you have a reliable Internet connection. In the past we would have had to run wires. But now thanks to modern technology we can simply add a WiFi extender to make our existing WiFi network reach farther. I’m currently using a Netgear N300 WiFi Extender in my house. As you can imagine we have a ton of gadgets. And most of them use WiFi. And while my cable modem and router are in the basement a fair amount of that tech is on the top floor of my home. Things like walls, wires, and pipes may interrupt the signal getting everywhere it needs to go.
A range extender can not only make your WiFi reach more places in your home, but also lessen the load on your router by taken on some of the connections. Best Buy has several range extenders available to fit your needs.
Getting Easy Access
I love a great connected home. With new technologies in locks and security the metal key is quickly becoming a thing of the past. Or at least put away for emergencies. There are many options for web connected locks. I use a couple on my home and I love them. I have been thinking about putting one on my office for security reasons. While some of these technologies require replacing your current lock, the August Smart Lock interfaces with most standard deadbolts, so you don’t have to change your lock. Once installed you can use your iPhone or Android phone to lock and unlock your door. And you can setup multiple users or custom invites to allow others to enter. You can even set specific times for them to enter. It also includes sensing technology that allows it to automatically unlock as you approach the door based on your smartphone.
A Woman’s Touch
It is no secret looking at my site that I love pink. And anyone that knows me definitely knows this. I don’t use a lot of pink in my home decor at all. However, if I am building my own she shed there will be some accents of pink! Lounge chairs, accent pillows, artwork, and pictures will be on display… and may be pink. 🙂
I absolutely love the look of this color combo found on Pinterest. I already have the Kallax shelves on my list of wants. It is a great addition to any space for organization. I just added one to my boy’s room a couple of weeks ago. I cannot wait to add one or more to my office.
I’m very much looking forward to creating my new she shed inspired office space aka my Working She Shed! What would you put in your she shed? Would it be for work and play? Check out 6 Tech Ideas For the Ultimate She Shed for some inspiration.
Disclosure: The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.
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